Conference Venue CSAMCS 2023 will be held in Nanjing, China during November 10-12, 2023. For further information of the hotel, please find below.
Jinfan Wanyuan Hotel
Hotel Website:click
Hotel Address: No.47-1, pailou Lane, Gulou District, Nanjing city, Jiangsu Province
>> Standard single room: RMB 400/ night (about USD 55/ night). (One bed, Internet and one breakfast included)
>> Standard double room: RMB 450/ night (about USD 61/ night). (Two beds, Internet and two breakfast included)
Ⅱ. Room Booking:
You can make a reservation by calling the front desk 15950469945 before Nov. 8th, please tell that you are a guest of "CSAMCS 2023 Academic Conference", and then can enjoy the agreed price.
Ⅲ. Direction:
* Nanjing Lukou International Airport: 43km, 46 min's
* Nanjing Station: 7km, 23 min's
* Nanjing South Railway Station: 13km, 25 min's
Ⅳ. Tips:
For non-Chinese Attendees, "Bring me to the hotel" card is available. You can show it to the taxi drivers and they will take you to the hotel.
2023年第三届统计、应用数学与计算科学国际学术会议(CSAMCS 2023)将于2023年11月10-12日在南京金帆万源酒店举行。具体酒店信息和预定方式如下:
Ⅰ. 酒店信息:
>> 标准大床房:400元 含1张床/无线网络/1份早餐
>> 标准双床房:450元 含2张床/无线网络/ 2份早餐
Ⅱ. 房间预定方式:
1. 可拨打电话15950469945(任经理)请告知您是“第三届统计、应用数学与计算科学国际学术会议(CSAMCS 2023)的客人”,然后可以享受团队协议价。
2. 请勿重复预定。请尽快在11月8日前完成预定(逾期无法保证房间安排,需视酒店房态而定),如有变动或取消预定需提前一周告知酒店经理。酒店费用将由酒店直接收取并开具发票。
Ⅲ. 交通指南:
About Nanjing
Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu province of the People's Republic of China, a sub-provincial city, a megacity and the second largest city in the East China region. With 11 districts, Nanjing, which is located in southwestern Jiangsu, has an administrative area of 6,600 km2 (2,500 sq mi) and a total recorded population of 9,314,685 as of 2020. Nevertheless, its built-up (or metro) area encompassing 9 Nanjing urban Districts (all but Lishui and Gaochun not conurbated yet) and Huashan and Yushan Districts and Dangtu County in Maanshan City, largely being agglomerated, was home to 9,648,136 inhabitants. In a very few years, Jurong District in Zhenjiang and Jiujiang, Jinghu and Yijiang Districts in Wuhu will also be conurbated leading to a tri-city built-up area of 11,910,201 inhabitants.